We offer same-day virtual doctor's appointments , as well as in-office appointments based on need. Patient registration starts at 7am, Monday through Friday. To book a doctor's appointment, please call our office at 7am and leave a voicemail, as patients are registered in the order that voicemails are received.
Our therapists offer one-on-one care which is tailored to each client. We focus on proper assessments, prevention of injury, acute and chronic pain management as well as maintaining a high standard of professional responsibility. Our facility is set up to provide optimal service and comfort including private treatment rooms and a full gym for active rehabilitation. ​We offer direct billing to extended health providers as well as ICBC clients and WSBC / Worksafe clients.

Our clinic offers two types of massage appointments: (1) Registered Massage Therapy (RMT), ​(2) Wellness Massage (Non-registered). Our therapists are not relaxation focused, although we are capable of providing relaxing treatments if requested. Our main treatment focus is therapeutic massage, rehabilitation, stress management, deep tissue, preventative therapies, general muscular maintenance and sport massage. Direct billing is available for RMT appointments!
Our chiropractor takes a thorough health history and performs a thorough assessment with range of motion testing to determine a customized treatment plan for you. She uses a variety of techniques in her practice, such as spinal/extremity manipulations (aka adjustments), manual soft tissue therapy, rehabilitative exercises, the use of a drop table when indicated, as well as advice on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle to minimize disruptions due to pain. Depending on your presentation of symptoms, she may incorporate shockwave therapy or laser therapy as part of the treatment plan.

Womens Health
We have 3 female Registered Nurses who are committed to providing you with confidential, nonjudgmental, youth-to-adult friendly services. We welcome everyone, and no referral is necessary! ​The BC Cancer Agency recommends that all sexually active women have a pelvic examination every 3 years after their 25th birthday. Screening may be discontinued at age 70 if there have been 3 or more normal pap tests in the last 10 years.
Personal Training
Our primary focus with our personal training packages is to provide a starting point for those looking to live a healthier lifestyle. We provide a non-judgemental inviting gym-environment full of support, encouragement and staffed with a knowledgeable team of professionals to ensure that your fitness experience is personalized, motivating, positive and injury free.

Custom orthotics are designed to slip into your shoes and help correct abnormalities that affect the feet, ankles, knees and back. They are made by taking a three-dimensional (3-D) cast impression of the foot and then fabricated to each patient’s individual specifications.
ICBC Related Treatment
We offer treatment for injuries, aches and pains following a motor vehicle accident. A doctor's referral is not required to begin treatment if treatment is starting within 12 weeks from your accident date. We can bill ICBC directly for the services of massage therapy, kinesiology, chiropractic and physiootherapy.

Work Related Injury
We offer treatment for work related injuries. We can bill WCB/ WSBC / Worksafe on your behalf. A valid claim number is required to begin treatment and a commitment of a 6 week treatment plan is recommended.