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  • Registered Massage Therapist

  • Member of the British Columbia Registered Massage Therapy Association

  • Certified in Standard First Aid and CPR C with AED

Bryson’s experience has largely come from working on contact sports related injuries. Because of this he tends to use a style involving more deep tissue work and active techniques. His approach allows his clients to get more involved with their bodies and the rehabilitation process.


Bryson believes that the most important tool when it comes to rehab is movement, and he uses an array of active therapy techniques, exercise and manual manipulations to help reduce pain and maximize mobility. Above all Bryson is committed to ensuring a well rounded therapeutic experience by providing pain relief and most importantly patient education.


Bryson has been a practicing RMT for 5 years in both North Vancouver and Squamish. Bryson has worked with desk workers to professional athletes and loves teaching clients to understand their bodies and why things might be occurring. He helps them move easier, perform better and be more resilient to injury, whether that be in daily life or competitive sport.  

Why he became a RMT:

Bryson did significant damage to his knee while playing rugby in 2006. With his playing days behind him and a 10 month recovery period where he worked extensivly with an RMT, the help he recieved then led him to wanting to help others in the same way.



Bryson grew up in Squamish playing rugby and competing in rock climbing competions around the province. With those days behind him he can now be found wandering or paddle boarding.

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